Wisconsin Pride: Quintessential Madison Wedding Ideas

If you have ever lived in Madison there is one thing for sure, and that is you definitely have some Wisco pride! So why not make it part of your wedding day? We think you’ll agree that some of these ideas may be just the thing to kick your plans up a notch, in of course […]

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If you have ever lived in Madison there is one thing for sure, and that is you definitely have some Wisco pride! So why not make it part of your wedding day? We think you’ll agree that some of these ideas may be just the thing to kick your plans up a notch, in of course nothing but true Madison style.


1. The Terrace

What better way to capture the Madison spirit to incorporate the iconic union terrace chairs? The bright colors photograph spectacularly, and capture a true Madison Tradition.


 2. Teach me How to Bucky

This may not be the right move for everyone, but let’s be real…how cool would it be to have wedding pictures with Bucky?  When Bucky hits the dance floor it is always a hit.  If you want to go all out consider having a few members of the band join in the fun.


 3. The Capitol

Of course we can’t forget the Capitol when talking about ways to add some Madison flair to your special day. Whether inside or out, the building is truly beautiful and has some amazing history.



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